Only pay if we recover funds! Call us today (561) 486 – 9333 to learn more.

Foreclosure Surplus Recovery Experts

Get the money you are owed. We help people who are going or have gone through a foreclosure reclaim the excess money that is owed to them after the auction process. No matter where you are in the process, we can help you get your funds.

Step One

Contact Us

Step Two

We Work For You


Step Three

Get Your Money

We help you get the money you are owed after a foreclosure.

Did you know you may be entitled to the extra money after the mortgage company auctions off your foreclosed property? We understand that a foreclosure can be difficult and disruptive to your life. Work with our team of experts and get what is rightfully yours. The best part? Only pay us if we get you money!

If we don’t recover funds, you pay us nothing.

We work on a contingency basis. If we don’t recover funds for you pay us nothing. We are here to protect your interests. There are no upfront or out of pocket costs to you. Our legal team will fight for you and your hard-earned money. Whether you are being foreclosed by creditors or in a tax foreclosure we can help.

If we don’t recover funds, you pay us nothing.

We work on a contingency basis. If we don’t recover funds for you pay us nothing. We are here to protect your interests. There are no upfront or out of pocket costs to you. Our legal team will fight for you and your hard-earned money. Whether you are being foreclosed by creditors or in a tax foreclosure we can help.

Commonly Asked Questions

Why would I be owed any money after a foreclosure?

You are either the homeowner or a heir whose property is in a foreclosure or tax sale where the sales price at the foreclosure auction may exceed the amount of your debt.

Where are these funds now?

The sale “SURPLUS FUNDS” of your home as a result of a mortgage foreclosure, Tax Deed foreclosure, or association/creditor foreclosure may be held by the court.Our legal team will help you recover these funds

Why do I need Principal Recovery Group to recover these funds?

In most cases a legal motion needs to be filed with the court and some claims are more complex in nature. Our legal team will represent you at no out of pocket cost to you. We will deal with any legal issues, the court and other creditors. We will also make sure that fraudulent claims are not filed so you keep what belongs to you.

Will I pay anything out of pocket to recover the money owed to me?

We will never ask you to pay anything out of pocket. We will pay for all costs (legal, filing, and any other fees). We are only paid if you recover money. If you do not recover any funds, you will pay us nothing. This will all be reflected in the agreement with us.

It Costs Nothing To Hear Your Options

We only charge a fee if we are able to get your foreclosure surplus funds. Whether you’re facing a foreclosure or recently experienced one, you only pay us if you get paid. Contact us today and be put in touch with one of our experts to help you get the money you are owed.