Only pay if we recover funds! Call us today (561) 486 – 9333 to learn more.

We are experts in recovering funds owed to people after a foreclosure.

A foreclosure does not have to be the end. Our team of experts can help make the best of a difficult situation by getting you the excess money left over after a foreclosure. The banks do not make it easy – trust us to help you move forward with a fresh start. 

Finding a path after foreclosure.

Principal Recovery Group focuses on helping people who are going through (or have recently experienced) a foreclosure recover the funds owed to them after the property has been auctioned. Over $14 BILLION in unclaimed funds are currently being held by the government – don’t let your money go to waste. With no upfront costs, you have nothing to lose to contact us! 

We help people before and after a foreclosure.

After a foreclosure, the excess balance that remains after all the lien holders have been paid belongs to you. We work with county or state officials to help recover that excess money that is owed. We only get paid if you get paid so there is no risk to you! Contact us today to see if we can help.

We help people before and after a foreclosure.

After a foreclosure, the excess balance that remains after all the lien holders have been paid belongs to you. We work with county or state officials to help recover that excess money that is owed. We only get paid if you get paid so there is no risk to you! Contact us today to see if we can help.

Going through a foreclosure? Don’t leave money on the table.

Going through the process of getting your remaining money after a foreclosure can be complicated. We file a claim to the government on your behalf and get what is owed for you. There is absolutely no uprfront cost to you – we only get paid when you get paid!

It Costs Nothing To Hear Your Options

We only charge a fee if we are able to get your foreclosure surplus funds. Whether you’re facing a foreclosure or recently experienced one, you only pay us if you get paid. Contact us today and be put in touch with one of our experts to help you get the money you are owed.